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​If you are experiencing grief and feeling alone, come and join us. You will be warmly welcomed and without judgement. I was pleasantly surprised by how easily my tears came and that in itself nourished me - the ease and lack of embarrassment. Being able to ask for support and to receive it during the ceremonies felt very nourishing for me. For so long I grieved in isolation, so that was particularly important. I feel less burdened by the weight of grief I was carrying. I am noticing that my body wants to move and dance; to be less rigid. ”– KAREN (July 2024)


“I'm glad I had my shoes off as I felt I was treading on holy ground.”  LIZ C (July 2024)


​The grief circle and ceremony were very good. I loved the preparation for the grief ritual and feeling fully welcomed to be here, with my grief. I felt very seen, held and cared about by the 'village'. The drumming, dancing and singing were all beautiful parts of the day and brought lightness and joy which felt wonderful. I was pleasantly surprised at how easily my grief came; how it felt ready to be expressed, held and witnessed by the group. The spaciousness of the day was good for me, nothing felt rushed. I felt in safe hands with all of the team - and the group as a whole - and that sense of safety helped and supported me very much.”– KAREN (July 2024)


“Some events in your life produce profound ripples and waves that are not immediately discernible. This was one of them. I felt wholly encountered and encouraged by the high level of community facilitation, grace and integrity shown by the team and the courage of those of us who showed up. The 'banks were built' to allow the journey to unfold safely and this led to so much freedom, connection and insight. The ancestral altar is full with hope.”  CAT ROWE (May 2024)


“Our culture doesn't provide emotionally supportive spaces for suppressed grief to be allowed to surface. Many of us have been trained to contain feelings that are 'difficult' for others to understand. There is a difference between this process and therapy; we are all wounded and we don't look to fix one another in Grief Tending, but to stand alongside and witness non-judgementally.”– ALEXANDER (May 2024)


“I loved the ceremonial circle and the nourishing activities around it, all of which felt powerful. I felt particularly nourished by the singing, which continues to resonate for me, and being sung to as part of the relaxation at the end of the day. The way the day was structured felt safe and nourishing, and I came away feeling clearer, lighter and refreshed. Doing this work just felt right somehow, and it shifted something that had previously felt blocked or numb in me.”  DIANE (October 2024)


“I experienced no separation from Climate and Personal Grief which felt like common ground for us all; I felt a deep kinship with all present. I slept very deeply the night after the workshop and have felt some tenderness and increased sensitivity since.”– ALEXANDER (May 2024)


“It was a powerful, soft and wildly authentic grief tending. I feel a level of acceptance now, albeit still sad at my sister's passing. I have expressed something in me around the collective events of the last few years that was locked inside and this has been liberating. I feel stronger in my personal truth and freer. Lots to celebrate.


I accessed my grief easily in the group which is a testament to how well the space was held. The entire day was held safely and with great care and intention. This meant I could lean into and really feel what was going on for me.


Having my grief witnessed safely in a group setting (tribal in essence) has allowed me to release something that needed to go and move on to a more hopeful stage.”  CAT ROWE (May 2024)


“Whether you are carrying grief for a loved one long gone or are recently bereaved, whether you are lamenting conflicts in our world or diversity loss and the effects of climate change or just feel you want to learn better how to tend the losses and grief that come as part and parcel of being human,  but want to do it together, in community, then this workshop is for you!”– LIZ C (November 2023)


“I felt a peace and a shift into a softer more nourished space from the acute pain of recent grief. It's beautiful, nourishing, gentle, warm - and definitely worth a try. I work in and around end of life care, and not only do I recommend it on a personal level but will do professionally too.”  ALEXANDRA WATSON (November 2023)


“I felt like a part of an authentic community and that was real solace for my soul. I experienced a lovingly created and professionally facilitated day of safety, love, nourishment and acceptance in which to share grief; to witness and be witnessed by a community of like-minded and like-hearted people. I am not alone.”– DANUTA (October 2023)


“The process works! I was feeling very detached and unable to connect with any deep sense of grief but shuttles and the grief circle worked their magic. This work shifts energies in the mind and body and precipitates thoughts, ideas and conversations that would not otherwise happen. If I was telling someone about this workshop, I would say, 'It’s great, do it!”  JONATHAN (October 2023)


“I have previously expressed my grief on a 1:1 basis, but in a group it was different. It showed me how we all of us carry deep wells of pain. We need never be alone with it. Afterwards we sang and danced together and in that moment the grief lifted from my soul.”– LUNA (July 2023)


“This is a gentle, humble place to be - where people hold each other's deepest feelings with love and compassion.”
 JO (July 2023)


“I really like the way the workshop was organised and conducted. I felt like I was at home from the beginning.

It was a great workshop for facing the dark corners of my heart and also to let the pain out a bit. I loved to be in a

circle of kindred spirits.”– ROSA (July 2023)


“This Tending was a special and unique place, a group of strangers where vulnerability, loss and sadness were welcomed and explored with poetry, music, rituals and many words and tears. I felt in the facilitators a deep well of wisdom, the wisdom of our deep time ancestors who celebrated and grieved together as a matter of course." 
  LUNA (July 2023)


“The facilitators were fantastic, so receptive and supportive, and they created an atmosphere of deep listening and sharing. Incredibly touching music and exercises for accessing our grief. I feel much lighter, a sense of calm, 
and I'm embracing my sadness with a different spirit, as if it's becoming part of life.”– S (July 2023)


“I was able to connect with and understand grief that I was largely unaware of, which brought an immediate and profound healing. It feels like an important piece of ancestral healing has happened. For anyone considering joining one of these workshops I would say, 'Do it, it's good!'”  JONNY (July 2023)


“I feel like I have had a bit of a breakthrough in feeling unstuck. I had been working on processing my grief and this helped to uncover deeper grief. I'm grateful for the time and space that was made. I loved the altars, sitting with our objects, and being able to reflect.”– CMG (July 2023)


“I loved the openness of others and the way it allowed me to open up too. It was a beautiful, gentle and deep experience. I now feel less alone, my own personal grief validated and a real sense of togetherness.”
 DIANE ALLEN (July 2023)

“To be inviting our grief was powerful. Not repressing it or apologising for it but actually calling and welcoming it! I felt nourished by the warm welcome, the wonderful music and poetry, and by the kindness and vulnerability showed by us all. I was surprised at how familiar it felt and how joyful I felt at the end.”– LUNA (July 2023)


“I felt very safe with the skilled holding by the facilitators and I was able to touch deep places within me. I experienced a taste of a healthier culture, and deep levels of connection, within myself, within the circle, and even across time and space, and with the greater body of the earth.”  GRAHAM (March 2023)


“Taking part in this event has helped me remember how to connect, slow down, love myself and others more openly, and to be brave enough to speak about what is important.”  JO (March 2023)


“I would tell someone that if they haven't found a place of peace in their life this is a great workshop to try out. It gave me a sense that I have a community and never alone in grief. It's a peaceful place where you can let out everything you are feeling. I didn't realise how much of myself I had lost until I found myself again on that weekend.

The energy that we created in the room was beautiful and healing in itself. Our grief circles were very powerful.
I feel like I now have a safe comforting space in my mind when things get rough.


I have tools I can use to help me heal properly. I see the world differently.” 

 SKYE FROBESE (March 2023)


“It was such a beautifully facilitated event. The framework helped me feel safe and trust the process. I felt held and was able to listen and witness others. Connecting with others in such a meaningful way was truly remarkable.” 

– CLAIRE (March 2023)


A strong holding and sense of community was created in a short space of time for people to explore their grief and to be part of our collective humanity. I was accepted for who I am and felt able to express grief.
Thank you, much appreciated.” – CHRIS (February 2023)


“I gained so much strength from the workshop full of strong but gentle support and guidance. Kudos to the hosts for holding the space so beautifully. It was all very, very well managed. I knew I had been seen, heard and acknowledged.


It is so valuable to be accepted for who you are, where you are. The experience was so worthwhile and nourishing; to have others see and hear the emotions you hold inside yourself. This is so wholesome, healthy and healing, truly healing. This helps build and strengthen resilient communities.” – MICHELE FRANCIS (February 2023)


A special experience. The theme of the workshop was well researched and explained, and a very warm, supportive and contained space created, allowing for all expressions of grief. – JILL (February 2023)


I was surprised at how comfortable I felt with everyone. I felt part of a living community: included
and acknowledged.
 –  NURIYYA (February 2023)


“A safe and beautifully held space was created, inspiring deepest humanity, hope, love and realness. I felt I could let my emotion flow and move through. I was left with a delicious feeling of tiredness, release and relief.”

– AMY (January 2023)


“Grief Tending in community is like a soothing balm for my heart. I always leave feeling 'worked', as if I have opened my heart, and shone a light around, and the painful places inside have been shown love.


Having my voice heard and my stories witnessed – this is both healing and necessary for me. To hear others in their grief lets me know there is such a depth of love in this world, for to grieve is to love. Witnessing others reminds me my grief is not alone or separate or invalid – me and my grief are part of a bigger story.


Thank you Norfolk Grief Tending team for your kind hearts and gentle guiding.” – SHONA (January 2023)


"I am inspired by grief tending work and the connection and joy it brings. Through meeting the edges of grief, anger and sadness comes astonishing clarity and energy. – J. PARTRIDGE (January 2023)


I appreciated the opportunity to feel my grief in a space that was held and honouring. The opening was fantastic, naming all the aspects and layers of grief, and dismantling the sense of 'hierarchy' of grief. I enjoyed the singing. It was all so affirming and done with love. Afterwards I felt more space in my heart. Thank you for such beautiful work.

– MELPO (December 2022)


Thank you for a fantastic evening. What a breath of fresh air and a calming relaxing way to look at grief and matters that arise. As you say, the evenings are a great way to introduce the all-day session, and I hope to join you at
one of these soon.
 – ADELE (December 2022)


"I felt at ease and prepared throughout the workshop. I appreciated the gradual increase in levels of contact with other participants that the facilitators provided through 'ice breaker' exercises and the steady 'building of the banks' during our morning session. The opportunity to sing and dance was unexpectedly wonderful and, overall, I feel very alive and affirmed by the experience. – ALEXANDER WALKER (December 2022)


“After returning home I now feel a deep inner peace and greater sense of belonging. My heart has been feeling soft, open and tender. The countryside seems more beautiful, other people seem more beautiful, life feels more beautiful.
I am feeling a more consistent flow of love, appreciation, joy, awe and wonder.”– JACKIE (October 2022)


“Thank you for such a gorgeous day on Saturday. I carry so much grief around the loss of the village that any gathering I am blessed to be part of that offers coming together in a sacred and authentic way moves me to tears. It’s a paradox isn’t it - receiving what we grieve the loss of triggers its own kind of grief, but this is also a healing and releasing. 


I am holding space for grief in so many ways at the moment, I can’t tell you how vital it was for me to be held in a safe and sacred way. I have come away feeling refreshed and able to continue the holding for others with less of a sense of emotional overwhelm.” TINA GIBBONS (December 2022)


“Learning about what grief is and accessing my grief in a safe space was fantastic. Hearing such raw honesty and truth from others is nourishing too – I feel so much respect and love for those who wish to explore this. My grief has shifted, and I now feel more relaxed and at peace, and more connected to my ancestors and others. It gives me hope that there is a movement of this nature, and it makes me feel happy to be part of something that manages finances in a different way too. We all experience grief and it is amazingly refreshing and nourishing to witness and be witnessed in a group. I recommend Norfolk Grief Tending to everyone. Healing happens here!” – KATE RILEY (December 2022)


“I felt that Shona and Liz created an open space in which I felt I could be authentic. Despite not knowing anybody, I felt held and supported in this group and immediately trusted that my grief was safe. I felt joyful and lifted after attending, with a strong sense of the wisdom of what had just passed, wishing that this was something that all of the human family were involved in regularly.” – REBECCA (November 2022)


“I loved how gentle yet powerful the activities were – carefully woven to take us on a journey into our hearts to tend what most needed our love and attention. We weren't pushed outside our comfort zones, and at the same time we were given full permission to get messy and express the difficult and uncomfortable real stuff, as well as permission to be silent if that was what we needed.” – JACKIE (October 2022)


“I felt held and supported. I spoke out of myself words I have not witnessed before and I did not feel exposed afterward. I am now more in touch with my wounded frightened self. I know that she needs me to hold her, for me to have joy in my life, and that my avoidance is wasting my life. For anyone thinking of attending a workshop, I would say it is a safe place to open yourself up to your emotions. Be prepared to be vulnerable but know that you do not have to go anywhere you feel is too frightening.” – JOAN (November 2022)


“I was surprised by how comfortable I felt just being myself and feeling all these big emotions and by the depth of connection I could feel in the room in such a short time. Very profound.” – JACKIE (October 2022)


“I enjoyed the event and it met all my expectations and more. The contact with others in some of the structures was a bit of an edge for me, I wasn't expecting this, but it actually very enjoyable once I was 'in the zone'. After attending I feel more open and more connected, especially to nature, and both my grief and my love is more easily available, even five days later. If you want to explore and express grief and other emotions, and if you like ritual, I would say this is definitely for you!” – ANDY H (October 2022)


“I am usually very shy and it was challenging to share feelings in front of others. But Graham, Shona and Liz did a great job and I felt very well supported; they made it easy to understand how to participate. The honesty and vulnerability shown by the group was inspiring, and I felt privileged to have witnessed people being so sincere. I feel I now know that I can cry in front of others and not be embarrassed or ashamed. It's worth doing even if it's not the kind of thing you would usually do. I would certainly attend again in future.”

– DEBORAH ROBINSON (October 2022)


“If you feel a resonance with this work then I wholeheartedly recommend that you join a workshop – you'll be in safe hands. This is a strong community container for tending the sorrows that we are not meant to carry alone. This workshop is life affirming, and I genuinely cannot think of anyone who would not benefit from this kind of
emotional nourishment.” – JACKIE (October 2022)


“The day was crafted with integrity and intention, inviting safety, respect, connection, compassion, playfulness, strength, courage and wisdom... For anyone thinking of embarking on this journey I would say, "Trust yourself and the alchemy of grief tending. Allow yourself into the river, trusting it will take you to the place you most need to reach. Be open to a certain grace holding you, woven by the hearts of those journeying with you. And your own.”
– SARAH DURRANT (November 2021)


“After attending the workshop, everything feels different! Grief that I have carried with difficulty for over 40 years now feels resolved. I also feel better able to express my sorrow as well as support others in their grief in an empowering way. Grief no longer feels like a heavy burden to be feared but rather the other side of deep joy and connection. I would recommend this workshop to all humans. It should be available on the NHS! It's sorrowful, but deeply joyful and utterly life changing.” – EMILY BRIGHTWOOD (July 2022)


“I found it a powerful and transformative experience that moved me deeply, both in the examination and processing of my grief but also in my connection to others. I came back energised and with a mental clarity that I have not experienced in years. Due to the amazing facilitation we were loved and held in such a way we all dropped our barriers faster than I could have ever imagined. We are not supposed to be alone, and in this experience we never were. Love and acceptance were universal.” – KIM (July 2022)


“I was not quite prepared for what happened in the ceremony. It felt like we were in a realm of magic, of helping and sharing and comfort, by people we had literally met just a few days before. It's a world that is not really available in modern life. I was surprised by the sheer desire to heal and care for the whole group and to tap into some universal energy – from our ancestors perhaps, or from some higher being – tending, needing, caring, warmth –  and love. All this coming through me.” – EMMA M (July 2022)


“I was inspired and nourished by the way in which each small act of courage and vulnerability in the face of fear, from myself and others in the group, was met with with love, encouragement and total acceptance. I don't think its an exaggeration to say everything feels a little different after attending the workshop. The experience continues to unfold and I am grateful for the seeds that were sown that weekend.” – ANONYMOUS (July 2022)


“It felt like a really safe space and allowed me to go deeply into what I needed to, it was very healing for me. The afternoon was paced well and I felt that the facilitators Liz and Su were both so thoughtful and caring. I wanted to particularly say that when they sang together I could feel the spiritual connection, this is where the real medicine lies for me.” – VERA PROUDLOVE (December 2020)


“The workshop turned out to be just what I needed to open up the floodgates – I think I cried every day for a couple of weeks after. I was in denial in many ways, and I feel that the day with you all was exactly the tonic to let years of woes leave my heart. Thank you so much for holding the space for us all, I’m so very grateful. I’d highly recommend this work to anyone, whether you feel you're in grief or not – it was cathartic.” – SUSANNE (December 2021)


“Stepping into the grief tending flow was like being calmly gathered and lifted into the arms of the facilitators as they took us on a journey. The guided work with the writing exercises edged me through my resistance and brought to the surface the patterns of silencing that have been concurrent through my life. This awareness is gold. Going up to the grief altar was surprisingly cleansing and as I sat down, bathed in the songs, I experienced a purification. At that point I understood the potency of this work, and I now have the beginnings of a relationship with my grieving self. For anyone new to this path I would say, grief tending is unexpected, it opens a pathway of access and a personal relationship with grief which, if met with an open heart, is truly transformative.” – HS (December 2021)


“I was surprised at how nourishing the whole experience was and would love to come to another one. I felt safe and held by the facilitators. I felt grief shift and healing take place in myself, and it was a privilege to witness this happening in others. I loved the 'pop up village' and 'building the banks'. I loved the water theme and the shrines. All of it. I felt particularly nourished by the singing... Beautiful. I am full of gratitude for the amazing work you are doing.”
– KATE R (October 2022)

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